Sunday, June 8, 2014

Meet Becky

I've got a little somethin' special for you today…

Everyone, meet Becky!

(In unison, "Hi Becky!")

Becky is my good friend from college, a former softball teammate, and is known across the state as the "bra lady".  She is a top notch certified Essential Bodywear fit specialist.  If you have boobs, you need to know Becky.

Becky approached me a few weeks ago about helping her make some lifestyle changes. I, of course, was honored to be of such help with her diet and exercise routine in exchange for one small item.  I asked that she post her progress and updates on my blog every so often.  She accepted the challenge.

See, Becky (more details about her below) has just about every excuse in the book to forego exercise and eat whatever she wants.  She works multiple jobs, has kids, a husband, dogs, cats, breastfeeding, no gym membership, and a social life.

If Becky can make changes, anyone can make changes.  (no offense, Becky)  She's a real woman, with a demanding life who wants to make some changes.  It won't be easy but Becky is hard worker and extremely determined.

Becky promised me she'd be honest about the process, that she would share the ups, downs, and everything in between. Judging from her intro below, she's not going to disappoint us!  Take a minute to get to know Becky and welcome her to our fit-family!

(Becky) After a year of not working out and an unmentionable amount of time eating crappy foods, I asked my dear friend Annie to help. I’ve watched Annie bounce back from 2 pregnancies and stay fit and healthy and I wanted the same thing. I’ve always been able to stay around the same weight without being strict in my dieting. I am a healthy size 12 – always have been. However, I had a baby 6 months ago. While I desperately wished breastfeeding would make me a size 8 while scarfing down cookies and Diet Coke, it’s not happening. Things have shifted to my midsection and I have a rockin’ spare tire that hangs ever-so-nicely over my jeans. My legs are a jiggly mess. Let’s not even start on my butt. It’s time for a change….so, here I go. 

My bio? I’m married and have a 12 year old step-daughter and a 6 month old daughter who is exclusively breastfed. I work full time at a non-profit. I work part-time for a home-based business (about 5-10 hours a week) as a bra lady. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. I play softball on Sundays. We’re currently remodeling our home. I am BUSY.

My goals? Simple. I want my clothes to fit better. I want to lose the excess weight around my midsection. I want make better food choices and reduce the amount of processed food I eat. I want to be able to run up and down the stairs without feeling like I wanna die.

So guess what…(it's Annie now) Becky has been hard at work for just over a week and already seeing progress!  I can't wait for Becky to share her experience with you in the process and maybe even inspire some of you!

Your turn:  How did you "get the ball rolling" again after a baby/taking time off?


  1. Great story! I can't wait to follow her progress!
    I was active before my son, and it killed me not to be able to run. As soon as I got my 6 week post partum check up and ok from my OB to start exercising again I was back to running again. Well, it was more of a slow jog with intervals of walking, but I was still out there again and that made me feel good. I had to start back from 0, running wise. I couldn't even run a tenth of a mile without stopping to walk or take a break, it was frustrating at first but over time I slowly increased my distance and speed. My son was with me every step of the way, in his car seat attached to the stroller. That's why I say, he literally grew up in a stroller. At 6 months Post partum, I ran my first race after having my son, a local 5k. I ran a total of 3 races (2-5k's and 1-10k) my first year back after having my son. I would say I am actually more in shape now and eat much much more healthy than before I was pregnant with my son. sorry, I could go on and on....

  2. This is wonderful. I went through the same thing after having my son and commuting 3+ hours a day, while breastfeeding and pumping for the 1st year. It was EXHAUSTING. I was able to kick it into high gear around the 6 month mark when the fog lifted and we found our "new normal" life. I am SO excited to see how Becky's transformation goes, I am rooting for you!!

  3. So proud of you Becky! Getting back out of the new mommy fog and into life is challenging and I'm so proud of you for making the effort to do it. Can't wait to cheer you on!
