Wednesday, March 12, 2014

How to: Set Goals & my Number One Tip for Reaching Them

I know a "how to" post on goal setting maybe a little elementary for many of you but sometimes the simplest of acts can lead to something great and that's what I want you to be- GREAT.  Whatever "great" means to you, I believe you can be it.

If you're reading this, I'm guessing you have some sort of goal in the back of your head.  Maybe you haven't told anyone or maybe you've told everyone, but deep down in your heart of hearts what do you want?  Run a marathon?  Start your own business?  Begin a workout routine? Save your money for a new car?  Picture it.  Make that goal as life like in your mind as you can.  Got it? Ok, now keep that imagine in your mind as we talk through some goal setting guidelines.

When setting a new goal keep in mind the acronym SMART.  Goals should be SMART:

Specific:  May that goal as detailed as possible! What exactly do you want to do?  What race?  We weight?  What foods? What goal am I more likely to achieve?

I will eat healthier.
I will eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.    

Measurable:  How will you know when you've reach your goal?  How will you measure your success?

Attainable:  Is your goal realistic or ridiculous?  Can you really do it, safely?  

I will  lose 10 pounds in 2 months.
I will lose 10 pounds by next week.

Relevant:  Does this goal ultimately fit in with your mission, beliefs, values?

Time bound:  When will you start?  When will you end?  When will do you hope to reach your goal?

Start writing, and the rewrite it again, and again until it's perfect.  Seriously.  Put the time and effort into writing down your goals until it's just exactly how you want it then put it somewhere you will see every single day.  Think bathroom mirror, refrigerator, car dashboard- heck put it everywhere if you wish!  

I think the SMART acronym is a great start but wanna know my number one tip for reaching your goals?  Whatever you want to do/be surround yourself with people who have done it already.  

Any goal regardless of how big or small is probably going to be challenging at some point if not every day.  Having someone (or lots of someones) in your life who has gone through what your experiencing to help you through those challenging times is crucial to your success.  Reach out to other marathoners, ironman finishers, business owners, powerlifters, figure competitors…whatever you want to be- befriend those people, pick their brains, ask questions, watch them, when you need help- ask for advice.  In other words…stalk them, study them- in the least non creepy way of course.  

So what's your goal?  Tell me!   

1 comment:

  1. These tips for goal setting seem very simple but sometimes that is all you need to get after your goal.
    BTW, I did complete that workout you posted on Monday (I think?) and did it in 9:55 and that is with trying to fend off my son the whole time. I forget how easy it is to take just 10 minutes out of your day and really get a good sweat on in just a short amount of time!
