Thursday, February 13, 2014

Heart Health

Considering February is Hearth Health month it's Valentine's day I thought it was only natural to discuss the HEART especially pertaining to women!

Before you just poo-poo this post and say, "Yea, yea I know heart health is important.  I have good blood pressure, my cholesterol is fine and I exercise." did you know the heart related disease is the NUMBER ONE killer of women in the United States? And not to scare you but according to the American Heart Association, one in five women will have a stroke at some point in their life.  This is serious stuff.

Do I have your attention now?  My point is unfortunately it's not just "someone else's dad" who needs to worry about heart disease.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways women can help prevent heart disease.  The American Heart Association encourages...
  • A heart healthy diet containing foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  Check out some great recipe ideas here.
  • Avoiding tobacco smoke
  • Participating in 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity exercise AND two days of muscle strengthening a week

With the spotlight on the Paleo diet (a diet rich in meats and veggies) many may find themselves questioning if the diet is good for their LDL or "the bad" cholesterol numbers.  I found this article extremely helpful.   Suzanne Steinbaum, M.D., Director, Women and Heart Disease with the Heart and Vascular Institute, reminds us that, "Too much of one type — or not enough of another — can put you at risk for coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke."  

And just in case I've put a damper on your day check out this light hearted (no pun intended) short film,  Just a Little Heart Attack staring the beautiful Elizabeth Banks.  While it is humorous, this mini movie is full of actual heart related symptoms that many could/would ignore.

Wondering how your genetics and daily habits stack up? Take this shirt quiz at Go Red For Women 

Your turn:  Would you meet the AHA requirements for physical activity?


  1. Heart health is super important. Thankfully, I get more than 30 minutes a day of activity and each really healthy, so I think (or hope) I will be okay!

  2. Thank you for this! As a health educator it's so hard to get people to understand just how much heart disease effects us. This post is fabulous, great information!
