Thursday, May 9, 2013

Breakfast of Champions

Hello, hello!  I apologize for the little break in blogging.  I've been under the weather the past few days.

Now that I've got my appetite back I wanted to chit chat about one of my favorite things in the world- BREAKFAST!  Oh, I love breakfast.  I honestly get excited to go to bed at night just so I can wake up and eat breakfast.

Somewhere in between marriage and kids I became a morning person and can't imagine ever going back to being a night owl.  If I'm not up and kickin' by 7 I feel like I've lost a large part of the day already!  Anyways, what adds to the excitement of my morning is breakfast. Pretty exciting life I lead huh?

John or I always cook our breakfast the night before and we eat the same thing every single day.  Are you curious yet?

I feel like I have to explain this breakfast concoction a bit because it most likely won't sound good and it doesn't exactly look good but man is it a tasty treat for your taste buds.  Trust me.  It's totally customizable for you to meet your nutritional needs and you can add just about anything into it you like if you don't like my suggestions.  Ok, she is.....

Yes you read that right, peanut butter eggs and oats.  Egg whites and oats has been a staple breakfast for "bodybuilders" for a long time.  A single egg white packs 5 grams of protein. You can bet your bottom dollar this breakfast won't leave you hungry. The problem with egg whites and oats?  The two of them together alone don't taste very good if you ask me.  This is a totally different story. 

It took us some trial and error to come up with this recipe but here is how you make it.

What you'll need: (makes one serving) 
  • 1/4 cup old fashioned oats
  • 1 cup egg whites (6 egg whites)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 TBS crunchy peanut butter
  • 2 packets of Splenda (I know, I know....I don't wanna hear it)
  • Splash of sugar free syrup
How to make it: 
  1. Put water into pan and bring to a boil
  2. Add oats, reduce the heat just a tad, let cook for just a minute
  3. Add egg whites- don't leave the stove- this cooks fast!  
  4. Stir, stir, stir.  Maybe it's our crappy pan but our eggs stick if you aren't stirring often.
  5. Once the majority of the moisture is gone and your eggs look cooked (like scrambled eggs, texture in picture above) remove from heat
  6. Add Splenda, peanut butter and syrup to taste
If you're making this the night before I recommend to let it cool and wait to add the syrup in the morning.  We just put ours in tupperware and let it sit in the fridge.  John reheats his, I eat mine cold.  Your choice!

Other toppings I've thought about trying:
  • Raisins 
  • Sugar free jelly
  • Any different nut butters
  • Almonds
  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Almond milk
What else would you add?   

Need more convincing that you should give this breakfast a try?  Read this article about the impact of a high protein breakfast.  

So tell me, what do you eat for breakfast?  Do you eat the same thing everyday? 

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